What is Shot Peening?

Shot peening is a process of bombarding a surface with small, spherical particles with the aim of improving its fatigue life. The material is first cleaned and then intentionally put under compressive stresses by the peening process. Shot peening enhances the resistance of the material to cyclic stress resulting in an extended life cycle of the component.

What Are Crank Arms?

Crank arms are crucial components of bicycles and other machinery that convert reciprocating motion into rotational motion. These components undergo high levels of stress, leading to fatigue failure, which can result in catastrophic consequences. Fatigue life of crank arms can be enhanced using shot peening.

How Shot Peening Works to Enhance Fatigue Life of Crank Arms

The shot-blasting process of shot peening creates a pattern of small dents on the surface, creating compressive residual stresses at and below the surface. This induced or manufactured compressive stress enhances the fatigue strength of the component, reducing the chances of fatigue and catastrophic failure.

Parameters Affecting Shot Peening of Crank Arms

Several factors such as shot size, shot velocity, shot hardness, the angle of impingement, and the coverage of the peening affect the efficiency of shot peening. The process must be finely tuned to meet the specific requirements of the component. Shot peening can also be used alongside other surface treatments for enhanced performance.

The Benefits of Shot Peening for Crank Arms

Shot peening can enhance the fatigue life of crank arms, increasing their tensile strength, and impact resistance while reducing the risk of corrosion. This improves overall performance dividends and cost-effectiveness for the product. Additionally, it helps reduce maintenance costs and downtime by allowing machines to run for longer periods without breaking down.

Applications of Shot Peening in the Industry

The mechanical industry, aerospace, and automotive industries utilize shot peening to enhance the performance of their products. Engines, gears, springs, and transmission components can all benefit from the shot peening process. It can also be used to enhance the performance of parts such as bearings and shafts.

Quality Assurance of Shot Peening Process

The quality of the shot peening process is critical for enhanced performance and improved fatigue life. Parameters such as shot peening media, coverage, and velocity must be carefully monitored and controlled to ensure consistent and quality results. Quality assurance protocols such as ultrasonic testing can also be implemented to verify process efficiency.

Limitations of Shot Peening Process

Shot peening can have limitations in some applications, and not all components are suitable for the process. Components with sharp edges and corners are difficult to peen, and thin-wall components may deform or warp under the process. The process may also be too expensive to implement in some cases.


Shot peening is a cost-effective method of enhancing the fatigue life of crank arms and other components in the mechanical, aerospace, and automotive industries. The process creates essential compressive residual stresses that improve the strength, impact resistance, and overall performance of the component. The shot peening process must be carefully monitored and precisely fine-tuned to achieve consistent and optimal results.

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